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The Pronoun 'They' with Explanations - 2

They is a pronoun used to refer to a group of people or things.

Here are sentences using the pronoun "they" with explanations:

1. The musicians performed at the concert, and they received a standing ovation.
Explanation: They refers to the musicians who performed at the concert and received a standing ovation.

2. The students studied hard for the exam, and they passed with flying colors.
Explanation: They refers to the students who studied hard for the exam and passed with excellent results.

3. The committee members discussed the proposal, and they reached a consensus.
Explanation: They refers to the committee members who discussed the proposal and came to an agreement or consensus.

4. The volunteers cleaned up the beach, and they collected a lot of trash.
Explanation: They refers to the volunteers who cleaned up the beach and gathered a significant amount of trash.

5. The explorers embarked on an adventure, and they discovered a hidden treasure.
Explanation: They refers to the explorers who embarked on an adventure and found a hidden treasure.

6. The scientists conducted experiments, and they made groundbreaking discoveries.
Explanation: They refers to the scientists who conducted experiments and made significant or groundbreaking discoveries.

7. The players practiced diligently, and they won the championship.
Explanation: They refers to the players who practiced diligently and emerged as winners of the championship.

8. The doctors treated the patients with care, and they recovered quickly.
Explanation: They refers to the patients who were treated with care by the doctors and recovered swiftly.

9. The astronauts completed the space mission, and they returned safely to Earth.
Explanation: They refers to the astronauts who completed the space mission and safely returned to Earth.

10. The workers completed the construction project, and they received praise for their excellent work.
Explanation: They refers to the workers who finished the construction project and were praised for their outstanding performance.

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